Source code for starbase.client.utils

__title__ = 'starbase.client.utils'
__version__ = '0.1'
__build__ = 0x000001
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan'
__all__ = ('build_json_data',)

import base64

# Importing OrderedDict with fallback to separate package for Python 2.6 support.
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError, e:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

[docs]def build_json_data(row, columns, timestamp=None, encode_content=False, with_row_declaration=True): """ Builds JSON data for read-write purposes. Used in `starbase.client.Table._build_table_data`. :param str row: :param dict columns: :param timestamp: Not yet used. :param bool encode_content: :param bool with_row_declaration: :return dict: """ # Encoding the key if necessary if encode_content: row = base64.b64encode(row) cell = [] # Building table data dictionary. if columns: # Data structure #1 if ':' in columns.keys()[0]: # Single column case if 1 == len(columns): key, value = columns.items()[0] if encode_content: key = base64.b64encode(key) value = base64.b64encode(str(value)) cell_data = { "column": key, "$": value } if timestamp: cell_data.update({'timestamp': timestamp}) cell.append(cell_data) # Multi-column case else: for column in columns.items(): key, value = column if encode_content: key = base64.b64encode(key) value = base64.b64encode(str(value)) cell_data = { "column": key, "$": value } if timestamp: cell_data.update({'timestamp': timestamp}) cell.append(cell_data) # Data structure #2. Here we have multi-column cases only and you're advised to make profit of it. else: for column, data in columns.items(): for key, value in data.items(): column_family = '%s:%s' % (column, key) if encode_content: column_family = base64.b64encode(column_family) value = base64.b64encode(str(value)) cell_data = { "column": column_family, "$": value } if timestamp: cell_data.update({'timestamp': timestamp}) cell.append(cell_data) table_data = OrderedDict([ ("key", row), ("Cell", cell) ]) if with_row_declaration: return {"Row" : [table_data]} else: return table_data
def build_xml_data(row, columns, timestamp=None, encode_content=False, with_row_declaration=True): """ Builds XML data for read-write purposes. Used in `starbase.client.Table._build_table_data`. """ # TODO: this is not ready yet! # Initial table data if encode_content: row = base64.encodestring(row) xml = """ xml_data = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><CellSet>" xml_data << "<Row key='%(row)s rescue ''}'>" """ % {'row': row} xml += "</Row></CellSet>" return xml
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