Source code for starbase.client.connection

__title__ = 'starbase.client.connection'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan'
__all__ = ('Connection',)

from starbase.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from starbase.defaults import HOST, PORT, USER, PASSWORD, PERFECT_DICT
from starbase.client.table import Table
from starbase.client.transport import HttpRequest

[docs]class Connection(object): """ Connection instance. :param str host: Stargate host. :param int port: Stargate port. :param str user: Stargate user. Use this if your stargate is protected with HTTP basic auth (to be used in combination with `password` argument). :param str password: Stargate password (see comment to `user`). :param bool secure: If set to True, HTTPS is used; otherwise - HTTP. Default value is False. :param str content_type: Content type for data wrapping when communicating with the Stargate. Possible options are: json. :param bool perfect_dict: Global setting. If set to True, generally data will be returned as perfect dict. """ def __init__(self, host=HOST, port=PORT, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, secure=False, \ content_type=DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE, perfect_dict=PERFECT_DICT): """ Creates a new connection instance. See docs above. """ if not content_type in CONTENT_TYPES: raise ImproperlyConfigured(_("Invalid ``content_type`` {0} value.".format(content_type))) if not host: raise ImproperlyConfigured(_("Invalid ``host`` {0} value.".format(host))) if not port: raise ImproperlyConfigured(_("Invalid ``port`` {0} value.".format(port))) = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password = secure self.content_type = CONTENT_TYPES_DICT[content_type] self.perfect_dict = perfect_dict self.__connect() def __repr__(self): return "<starbase.client.connection.Connection ({0}:{1})>".format(, self.port) def __connect(self): data = { 'secure': 's' if else '', 'host':, 'port': self.port, #'user_credentials': ("{0}:{1}@".format(self.user, self.password)) if (self.user and self.password) else '' } #self.base_url = 'http{secure}://{user_credentials}{host}:{port}/'.format(**data) self.base_url = 'http{secure}://{host}:{port}/'.format(**data) @property
[docs] def version(self): """ Software version. Returns the software version. :return dict: Dictionary with info on software versions (OS, Server, JVM, etc). """ response = HttpRequest(connection=self, url='version').get_response() return response.content
[docs] def cluster_version(self): """ Storage cluster version. Returns version information regarding the HBase cluster backing the Stargate instance. :return str: HBase version. """ response = HttpRequest(connection=self, url='version/cluster').get_response() return response.content
[docs] def cluster_status(self): """ Storage cluster satus. Returns detailed status on the HBase cluster backing the Stargate instance. :return dict: Dictionary with information on dead nodes, live nodes, average load, regions, etc. """ response = HttpRequest(connection=self, url='status/cluster').get_response() return response.content
[docs] def table(self, name): """ Initializes a table instance to work with. :param str name: Table name. Example value 'test'. :return stargate.base.Table: .. note:: This method does not check if table exists. Use the following methods to perform the check: - `starbase.client.Connection.table_exists` or - `starbase.client.table.Table.exists`. """ return Table(connection=self, name=name)
[docs] def tables(self, raw=False): """ Table list. Retrieves the list of available tables. :param bool raw: If set to True raw result (JSON) is returned. :return list: Just a list of plain strings of table names, no Table instances. """ response = HttpRequest(connection=self).get_response() if not raw: try: return [table['name'] for table in response.content['table']] except: return [] return response.content
[docs] def table_exists(self, name): """ Checks if table exists. :param str name: Table name. :return bool: """ return name in self.tables() # ******************** Helper methods ********************
[docs] def create_table(self, name, *columns): """ Creates the table and returns the instance created. If table already exists, returns None. :param str name: Table name. :param list|tuple *columns: :return starbase.client.table.Table: """ assert columns table = self.table(name) if not table.exists(): table.create(*columns) return table
[docs] def drop_table(self, name): """ Drops the table. :param str name: Table name. :return int: Status code. """ table = self.table(name) return table.drop()
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