Source code for starbase.client.table.query

__title__ = 'starbase.client.table.query'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('QuerySet', 'Q')

This would be the code base for filtering in `starbase`. The `fetch_all_rows` method would be then cleaned
and would just return all rows (perhaps paginated results?)

Table instance.

>>> t = c.table('table1')

Using the QuerySet

Query by row key, using regex. The "pk" prefix would mean we actually want to filter on row key. Otherwise,
we would consider it to be a start of "column_family__column_qualifier" pair. If may of course vary from
filter to filter, but the unified interface would work like that.

>>> results = t.filter(pk__eq__regex="^row_1.+").fetch()

Query by column qualifier, using equal.

>>> results = t.filter(column_1__qualifier_1__eq="").fetch()

When fireing one after another, joined by "AND". In the example below, both statements shall be satisfied.

>>> results = t.filter(pk__eq__regex="^row_1.+")
>>> results = results.filter(column_1__qualifier_1__eq="")

Finally, executing the query.

>>> results = results.fetch()

Using the `Q`
Mainly for "OR" joins.

In the example below filters are joined by "OR". One of the two statements shall be satisfied.

>>> q1 = Q(pk__eq__regex="^row_1.+")
>>> q2 = Q(column_1__qualifier_1__eq="")
>>> results = t.filter(q1 | q2)

Finally, executing the query.

>>> results = results.fetch()

[docs]class QuerySet(object): """ QuerySet class. """
[docs] def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Filter options. :return `QuerySet`. The following syntax examples would be supported (see the comments at the very top of the module). >>> results = t.filter(pk__eq__regex="^row_1.+") >>> results = t.filter(column_1__qualifier_1__eq="") Always "AND". "OR" filtering can be achieved by using the `Q`. >>> q1 = Q(pk__eq__regex="^row_1.+") >>> q2 = Q(column_1__qualifier_1__eq="") >>> results = t.filter(q1 | q2) """
def _filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ More tunable low level usage filtering. See the for the full list of filter options. The following argument would be acceptable (perhaps moved to some other function as ``_filter``, which would do low-level job). - `type` (str): Could be "RowFilter", "FamilyFilter", etc. (see the link above for all options). - `comparator_type` (str): Could be "BinaryComparator", "RegexStringComparator", etc. (see the link above for all options). """
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Fires the query. Would not be necessary if filters are lazy, but that's not that important in the initial versions of. """
[docs]class Q(object): """ Q class for complex OR and AND statements (are they possible in HBase or do we have to make 2 separate requests?). """ AND = 'AND' OR = 'OR' default = OR def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Possibly all the dirty work happens here. """