Source code for starbase.json_decoder

Recursively decodes values of entire dictionary (JSON) using `base64.decodestring`. Optionally ignores keys
given in `keys_to_skip`. It's also possible to give a custom `decoder` instead of `base64.decodestring`.

__title__ = 'starbase.json_decoder'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('json_decode',)

from six import PY3
from six import string_types, integer_types
import base64

DEBUG = False

if PY3:
	decodestring = base64.decodebytes
    decodestring = base64.decodestring

[docs]def json_decode(json_data, keys_to_bypass_decoding=['timestamp'], keys_to_skip=[], decoder=decodestring): """ Recursively decodes values of entire dictionary (JSON) using `base64.decodestring`. Optionally ignores (does not include in the final dictionary) keys given in `keys_to_skip`. NOTE: Whenever you can, give `decoder` callables, instead of strings (works faster). NOTE: In HBase stargate `$` keys represent values of the columns. :param dict json_data: :param list|tuple|set keys_to_bypass_decoding: Keys to bypass encoding/decoding. Example value ['timestamp',] :param list|tuple|set keys_to_skip: Keys to be excluded from final dict. Example value ['timestamp',] :param str decoder: Example value 'base64.decodestring' or base64.decodestring (assuming that `base64` module has already been imported). :return dict: :example 1: >>> test_json_data = { >>> u'Row': [ >>> { >>> u'Cell': [ >>> {u'$': u'NDQ=', u'column': u'Y29tcG9uZW50Omlk', u'timestamp': 1369030584274}, >>> {u'$': u'MQ==', u'column': u'bWFjaGluZTppZA==', u'timestamp': 1369030584274}, >>> {u'$': u'NTUx', u'column': u'c2Vuc29yOmlk', u'timestamp': 1369030584274}, >>> {u'$': u'NjQ2', u'column': u'c2Vuc29yOm1lYXN1cmVtZW50', u'timestamp': 1369030584274}, >>> {u'$': u'VGVtcA==', u'column': u'c2Vuc29yOnR5cGU=', u'timestamp': 1369030584274}, >>> {u'$': u'UGFzY2Fs', u'column': u'c2Vuc29yOnVuaXRfb2ZfbWVhc3VyZQ==', u'timestamp': 1369030584274} >>> ], >>> u'key': u'NDk1MzczYzMtNGVkZi00OWZkLTgwM2YtMDljYjIxYTYyN2Vh' >>> } >>> ] >>> } >>> json_decode(test_json_data, keys_to_skip=['timestamp']) { u'Row': [ { u'Cell': [ {u'column': 'component:id'}, {u'column': 'machine:id'}, {u'column': 'sensor:id'}, {u'column': 'sensor:measurement'}, {u'column': 'sensor:type'}, {u'column': 'sensor:unit_of_measure'} ], u'key': '495373c3-4edf-49fd-803f-09cb21a627ea' } ] } :example 2: >>> # Assuming the `test_json_data` is the same as in example 1 >>> json_decode(test_json_data, decoder='') :example 3: >>> # Assuming the `test_json_data` is the same as in example 1 >>> json_decode(test_json_data) { u'Row': [ { u'Cell': [ {u'$': '44', u'column': 'component:id'}, {u'$': '1', u'column': 'machine:id'}, {u'$': '551', u'column': 'sensor:id'}, {u'$': '646', u'column': 'sensor:measurement'}, {u'$': 'Temp', u'column': 'sensor:type'}, {u'$': 'Pascal', u'column': 'sensor:unit_of_measure'} ], u'key': '495373c3-4edf-49fd-803f-09cb21a627ea' } ] } """ assert isinstance(decoder, string_types) or callable(decoder) # Dynamic import in case if given as a string. if isinstance(decoder, string_types): decoder_function_path_parts = decoder.split('.') assert len(decoder_function_path_parts) > 1 module_path = '.'.join(decoder_function_path_parts[:-1]) function_name = decoder_function_path_parts[-1] exec('from {0} import {1} as decoder'.format(module_path, function_name)) assert callable(decoder) # Final dict decoded_json_data = {} assert isinstance(json_data, dict) assert isinstance(keys_to_bypass_decoding, (list, tuple, set)) assert isinstance(keys_to_skip, (list, tuple, set)) # Iterating through keys and values. If value is a string, we decode it using the given `decoder`. Otherwise, # if list, tuple or set is given, iterate through the list and recursively call `json_decode` on each child item. for key, value in json_data.items(): if key not in keys_to_skip: # Making sure nothing breaks if we get integers, longs or floats. number_types = list(integer_types) number_types.append(float) number_types = tuple(number_types) if isinstance(value, number_types): value = str(value) # When decoding (really decoding and not encoding) we sometimes deal with integers or floats in the # JSON given. In order to have those values encoded too, we encode them to strings, but then also # add to the list of keys to bypass decoding, because integers and floats can't be decoded. keys_to_bypass_decoding.append(key) # If value is a string, we just encode it. if isinstance(value, string_types): if key not in keys_to_bypass_decoding: if PY3: decoded_json_data.update({key: decoder(value.encode()).decode()}) else: decoded_json_data.update({key: decoder(value)}) else: decoded_json_data.update({key: value}) # If a list, we recursively apply `json_decoder` to all of its' children. elif isinstance(value, list): decoded_json_data.update({key: []}) for item in value: decoded_json_data[key].append(json_decode( item, keys_to_bypass_decoding = keys_to_bypass_decoding, keys_to_skip = keys_to_skip, decoder = decoder )) # If a dicionary, we treat is a new `json_data` and apply `json_decoder` to it. elif isinstance(value, dict): decoded_json_data[key] = json_decode( value, keys_to_bypass_decoding = keys_to_bypass_decoding, keys_to_skip = keys_to_skip, decoder = decoder ) # Otherwise, it's not a valid JSON provided. else: raise ValueError("Not allowed type for JSON dictionary: {0}".format(type(value))) return decoded_json_data